The vacation rental market has become extremely saturated over the years. With guests having more and more rentals to choose from, it can be harder to stand out from the crowd. That’s where… *drumroll please* STR design services come in! Interior design is the easiest and most effective way to elevate your rental and attract more guests.
Travelers choose to stay in short term rentals for many reasons. Most commonly, comfort & experience. How do we achieve this? Good design, quality amenities, and theme or a story. Your guests want to feel at home, only better. They want an aesthetic, comfortable environment- and they’ll pay for it!
Let’s talk social media moments! (or; marketing moments) These are designs specially curated to excite and inspire. Guests are attracted to these, why? Well pictures, obviously. When the maid of honor is browsing STR platforms for her friend’s bachelorette party and deciding between similar choices; her deciding factor will undoubtedly be design, and, social media moments.
What does this look like? Fun wallpaper with a neon sign. An outdoor bathtub surrounded by potted plants. A funky, hanging chair over a fur rug. The possibilities are endless- let’s create your moment(s) for your unique property!
You might be wondering if interior design is really worth the investment. Let me assure you that well designed rentals produce better reviews, more consistent bookings, and higher nightly rates, just to name a few of the benefits. Can you say: “cha-ching!”??
Did you know you can also create additional revenue through platforms marketed specifically for photoshoots?!
Let’s chat more! Book your free discovery call here
Just like good design, services are customizable
Turn Key Rental
So, you’re ready to start up your new property and not sure where to start? Well it’s time to sit back and relax, I’ve got it from here. Whether your rental is a one bedroom in need of furnishings & styling, or you want to redo the kitchen in your 4 bedroom farmhouse to get it 5 Star ready- I’m your girl!
minimum $750/per room
Five Star Refresh
Is your existing short term rental in need of a facelift? Are you ready to increase those bookings and nightly rates? Well you’ve come to the right place! Let’s give your space the update it needs to make your investment property soar!
minimum 650 per room
Digital Design
Not located near Austin? No problem! We’ll still turn your property into a five star rental ready for it’s Instagram moment. This is all of the design expertise, just a little heavier on the DIY.
minimum $700 per room